Luke Chapter 24
As Jesus Take Rise Up From DiDead 1. For di first day of di week, very early indi morning, di women carry di spices weydem don arrange—go di grave side. 2. Dem con see sey di stone don roll komotfrom di grave, 3. but wen dem enta inside, dem no see Oga Jesus body. 4. As dem dey reason di mata, naso twomen wey dia cloth dey shine like lightningcon stand for dia side. 5. So di women bow down face ground witfear, but di men con tell dem sey, “Why unadey fyne pesin wey dey alive—among didead? 6. He no dey for here; he don raise up!Remember wetin he…
Luke Chapter 22
Judas Agree To Sell Jesus 1. Now, di Festival of Bread wit noYeast—wey dem dey call Passover don deyreach, 2. and di chief priests plusdi teachers of di law dey fyne chance to gbab Jesus, but dem dey fear di pipo. 3. Satan con enta Judas, wey dem dey callIscariot—wey be one of di twelve disciples. 4. And Judas go meet di chief priests and di officers of di worship-place guard, he con tell dem how he go take betray Jesus. 5. Dia belle sweet dem, and dem agree togive am moni. 6. Judas gree, and he con dey fyne chanceto carry Jesus give dem—wen pipo no plenty around. Di…
Luke Chapter 21
Di Offering Of Di Widow 1. As Jesus look up, he see di rich pipo deyput dia gift for di offering box—for inside diworship-place. 2. He still see one widow dey put two smallcopper coins. 3. He con tok sey, “I dey tell una di truth, dispoor widow don give pass all di odas. 4. All those pipo give tashere from diplenty tins wey dem get; but from inside her poverty nahin she take give everitin wey she get.” Sign Sey Time Don Dey Reach 5. Some of di disciples dey tok about how dem take build di worship-place wit fine-fine stones, and wit gift wey pipo give to Baba-God.…