Psalm (Pidgin Bible)

Psalm Chapter 13

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Dis Na Prayer For Epp

  1. For di producer of music. Dis na Psalm of David. Oh Baba-God, how long you go fashi me forever? How long you go dey hide your face from me?
  2. How long I go dey reason inside my soul, and palava dey inside my heart everi day? How long my enemies go dey feel-big for me?
  3. Reason me make you ansa me, Oh Baba-God my Oga. Shine light for my eyes, or I go sleep inside death;
  4. or my enemy go con tok sey, “I don win am,” and my enemies go celebrate if I fall.
  5. But I don trust sey you go sorry-for me, and my heart dey happy sey you save me.
  6. I go sing for Baba-God, becos he don
    bless me well-well.


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Pidgin Bible na did new Bible translation for Pidgin English Language. Di Bible dey easy to read and understand and e get Pidgin dictionary sef, wey go epp pipo understand more.

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